I Can Love You From Afar

I Can Love You From Afar

I can love you
from afar

The door ajar

And I can see
you through the sliver

Your ring finger
pale and lonely and strumming the strings

The things I
think when I see you

Seem to swim
around each other like leaves caught in the drain

I came to be
near you

But now I fear
to disturb the wonderful that surrounds you

That grounds you
where I can’t possibly get to

At least I get
to watch it from here

Outside the room but still near enough to love you from afar.

Hannah Hamilton 

I Can Love You From Afar

I can love you from afar

The door ajar

And I can see you through the sliver

Your ring finger pale and lonely and strumming the strings

The things I think when I see you

Seem to swim around each other like leaves caught in the drain

I came to be near you

But now I fear to disturb the wonderful that surrounds you

That grounds you where I can’t possibly get to

At least I get to watch it from here

Outside the room but still near enough to love you from afar.

Hannah Hamilton